Faculty & Adjunct Professors (BSE): Tamo Fukamizo

Research topics:

1. Structure/function of plant chitinases involved in self-defense

2. Structure/function of microbial chitinases/chitosanases involved in chitin assimilation

3. Structure/function of periplasmic chitooligosaccharide-binding proteins

4. Enzymatic synthesis of chitooligosaccharides with biological activities 


School of Biomolecular Science & Engineering (BSE), 

Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), Wangchan Valley, Rayong, THAILAND

Tel: (+66)33 014 020 | Email: tamo.f@vistec.ac.th



1969-1972: Meizen Senior High School, Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan

1973-1977: Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyushu University

1978-1980: Master Course of Graduate School of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyushu University

1980-1983: Doctor Course of Graduate School of Agricultural Chemistry, Kyushu University

1983: PhD from Kyushu University

Employment History:


1983-1985: Postdoctral Researcher at Department of Biochemistry, Kansas State University, Manhattan, US

1985-1989: Assistant Professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Kindai University, Osaka, Japan

1989-1992: Lecturer, Department of Food and Nutrition, Kindai University, Nara, Japan

1992-1999: Associate Professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Kindai University, Nara, Japan

1996-1997: Visiting Researcher in Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, Canada

1999-2005: Professor, Department of Food and Nutrition, Kindai University, Nara, Japan

2005-2017: Professor, Department of Advanced Bioscience, Kindai University, Nara, Japan

2017-2019: Visiting Professor, in Biochemistry and Electrochemistry Research Unit, School of Chemistry, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand.

2020-2022: Adjunct Professor, School of Bioengineering, Dalian University of Technology, China

2020-Present: Visiting Researcher, Department of Advanced Bioscience, Kindai, University, Nara, Japan

2023-Present: Teaching Professor, School of Biomolecular Science and Engineering (BSE), Vidyasirimedhi Insititute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), Thailand.

Teaching Experiences:


1985-1999Laboratory Course for Protein Purification and Enzymatic Analysis (Kindai Univ.)

1989-1992Bioanalytical Chemistry (Kindai Univ.)

1992-1999Enzyme Chemistry, Protein Engineering (Kindai Univ.)

1999-2017Biochemistry (Kindai Univ.)

1999-2017: Biophysical Chemistry (Kindai Univ.)

2007: Protein Chemistry (Khon Kaen Univ., Thailand)

2017: Biochemical Instrumentation (Suranaree Univ. of Technol., Thailand)

2017-2023: Biophysical and Advanced Instrumental Principles (Vidyasirimedhi Inst. Sci. Technol., Thailand)


Journal, Article

Periplasmic chitooligosaccharide-binding protein requires a three-domain organization for substrate translocation

Ohnuma T.

Scientific Reports ,2023, 131 20558

Journal, Review

Green-Chemical Strategies for Production of Tailor-Made Chitooligosaccharides with Enhanced Biological Activities

Thomas R.

Molecules ,2023, 2818 6591

Journal, Article

Characterization of two rice GH18 chitinases belonging to family 8 of plant pathogenesis-related proteins

Tanaka J.

Plant Science ,2023, 326 111524

Journal, Article

Bioeconomic production of high-quality chitobiose from chitin food wastes using an in-house chitinase from Vibrio campbellii

Thomas R.

Bioresources and Bioprocessing ,2022, 91 86

Journal, Article

Plant Chitinase Mutants as the Catalysts for Chitooligosaccharide Synthesis Using the Sugar Oxazoline Derivatives

Umemoto N.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ,2022, 7040 

Journal, Article

Structure, mechanism, and phylogeny of LysM-chitinase conjugates specifically found in fern plants

Kitaoku Y.

Plant Science ,2022, 321 111310

Journal, Article

A conserved loop structure of GH19 chitinases assists the enzyme function from behind the core-functional region

Kawamoto D.

Glycobiology ,2022, 324 

Journal, Article

Multi-functionality of a tryptophan residue conserved in substrate-binding groove of GH19 chitinases

Nagata T.

Scientific Reports ,2021, 111 2494

Journal, Article

A structural model for (GlcNAc)2 translocation via a periplasmic chitooligosaccharide-binding protein from marine Vibrio bacteria

Kitaoku Y.

Journal of Biological Chemistry ,2021, 2973 101071

Journal, Article

Thermodynamic Analysis for Binding of 4-O-β-tri-N-acetylchitotriosyl Moranoline, a Transition State Analogue Inhibitor for Hen Egg White Lysozyme

Ogata M.

Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences ,2021, 8 654706

Journal, Article

An electrochemical method for detecting the biomarker 4-HPA by allosteric activation of acinetobacter baumannii reductase C1 subunit

Teanphonkrang S.

Journal of Biological Chemistry ,2021, 296 100467

Journal, Article

Kinetic and thermodynamic insights into the inhibitory mechanism of TMG-chitotriomycin on Vibrio campbellii GH20 exo-β-N-acetylglucosaminidase

Morimoto Y.

Carbohydrate Research ,2021, 499 108201

Journal, Article

Potent fungal chitinase for the bioconversion of mycelial waste

Liu T.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ,2020, 6819 

Journal, Editorial

Chitin biology and beyond: Chemical biology aiming to enhanced chitin utilization and insect pest control

Fukamizo T.

Current Pharmaceutical Design ,2020, 2629 

Journal, Article

Crystal structure and biochemical characterization of CJP38, a β-1,3-glucanase and allergen of Cryptomeria japonica pollen

Takashima T.

Molecular Immunology ,2019, 116 

Journal, Article

Structures and chitin-binding properties of two N-terminal lysin motifs (LysMs) found in a chitinase from Volvox carteri

Kitaoku Y.

Glycobiology ,2019, 297 cwz024

Journal, Article

A novel method for chemo-enzymatic synthesis of chitin oligosaccharide catalyzed by the mutant of inverting family GH19 chitinase using 4,6-dimethoxy-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl α-chitobioside as a glycosyl donor

Ohnuma T.

Journal of Biochemistry ,2019, 1656 

Journal, Review

Periplasmic solute-binding proteins: Structure classification and chitooligosaccharide recognition

Fukamizo T.

International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ,2019, 128 

Book Series, Book Chapter

An introduction to the book

Yang Q.

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology ,2019, 1142 

Book Series, Book Chapter

Chitin/Chitosan-active enzymes involved in plant–microbe interactions

Fukamizo T.

Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology ,2019, 1142 

Journal, Article

Resonance assignments for the apo-form of the cellulose-active lytic polysaccharide monooxygenase TaLPMO9A

Kitaoku Y.

Biomolecular NMR Assignments ,2018, 122 

Journal, Article

Mode of action and specificity of a chitinase from unicellular microalgae, Euglena gracilis

Feng Y.

Plant Molecular Biology ,2018, 976 

Journal, Article

Structure and Enzymatic Properties of a Two-Domain Family GH19 Chitinase from Japanese Cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) Pollen

Takashima T.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry ,2018, 6622 

Journal, Article

Structure and function of a novel periplasmic chitooligosaccharide-binding protein from marine Vibrio bacteria

Suginta W.

Journal of Biological Chemistry ,2018, 29314 

Journal, Article

NMR analysis of substrate binding to a two-domain chitinase: Comparison between soluble and insoluble chitins

Takashima T.

Carbohydrate Research ,2018, 458-459 

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