A Special Lecture Topic: Gas-Liquid Soft Dispersed Systems: Bubbles and Liquid Marbles.

A Special Lecture Topic: Gas-Liquid Soft Dispersed Systems: Bubbles and Liquid Marbles.

Event date: 17 Jun 2024 - 17 Jun 2024

Pailin Auditorium, VISTEC, Rayong, THAILAND.

Energy Science and Engineering (ESE)

We would like to invite everyone to attend the ESE Seminar, a special lecture with the following details:

A Special Lecture Topic: Gas-Liquid Soft Dispersed Systems: Bubbles and Liquid Marbles.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Syuji FUJII from the Osaka Institute of Technology, Japan.

Date: Monday, 17th June 2024.

Time: 10:30-12:00 hrs.

Venue: VISTEC, Pailin Auditorium.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from a leading expert in the field. We look forward to your participation.