Postdoctoral Fellowships

Postdoctoral Fellowships Offered by VISTEC

VISTEC offers postdoctoral fellowships to researchers holding Ph.D. degrees. Postdoctoral training provides a basis for early-stage researchers to develop their careers while working with experts.

We offer two types of postdoctoral fellowships:

1. Pursuing challenges in making cutting-edge discoveries

2. Undertaking projects in collaboration with the industry

For more details, please contact the Human Resources Department for available positions, or visit our recruitment website at

Contact Person:

Human Resources Department

Tel: +66 3301 4060 | Email:

School of Biomolecular Science and Engineering (BSE)

Contact: Tel: +66 3301 4220 | Email:



School of Energy Science and Engineering: ESE

Contact: Tel: +66 3301 4280 | Email:



School of Information Science and Technology: IST

Contact: Tel: +66 3301 4343 | Email:




School of Molecular Science and Engineering: MSE

Contact: Tel: +66 3301 4180 | Email: