
Research Focus

VISTEC currently has four focus areas that are fully coaligned with the 40 Key Technologies for the Future as identified by the OECD.

Research Output

VISTEC researchers have been very productive in publishing their research in leading international journals as well as obtaining patents. On average, our faculty members publish more than three papers and file at least one patent every year. This research output and intellectual property creation serves as the launchpad for real products and applications.

Research Ranking

Ranks as No. 1 in Thailand in All Sciences, Chemical Science, and Natural Science of Nature Index in 2023. Globally, we were listed as No. 12 in the World on Nature Index’s Top 30 Academic Institutions under 30 in 2018.

Academic Collaborations

VISTEC has collaborations with almost all the leading universities and academic institutions in Thailand. We have also collaborated with about 100 overseas academic institutions over the past 8 years. We regularly host visiting scholars on our campus.

Industrial and Government Collaborations

VISTEC collaborates extensively with Thai industries and the private sector. This is in the form of contract research or joint programs for specific innovations. Our Frontier Research Center (FRC) acts as the liaison office to coordinate these collaborations. Deliverables of collaborations are wide-ranging, from solving company problems and creating proprietary technologies to creating solutions for society to help with sustainability issues.

Frontier Research Center (FRC) Services

VISTEC offers research services. At VISTEC, we provide an active learning environment and offer practical workshops and resources for academic training, as well as soft skills and extra-curricular skills outside of classrooms and laboratories.

Postdoctoral Fellowships

VISTEC offers postdoctoral fellowships to researchers holding Ph.D. degrees. Postdoctoral training provides a basis for early-stage researchers to develop their careers while working with experts.